Aktionshinweis: Weltjugendallianz protestiert gegen EU-Finanzierung von Abtreibung (englisch)

World Youth Alliance Europe - Dignity Alert: No European Union Funding for Coercive Reproductive Health Programs

Vote in the European Parliament Plenary Session, Wednesday, October 20th at 12:30PM

Dear Nigel Farage,

I am writing on behalf of the World Youth Alliance, a global coalition of young people promoting the dignity of the human person in policy and culture, to ask you to urge Members of the European Parliament to support an amendment to the European Union 2011 annual budget that will be voted on Wednesday next week in Strasbourg, France at the Parliament Plenary Session. This amendment will prevent EU financial support to development programs, NGOs or governments that participate in forced abortions, sterilizations or infanticide. WYA has consistently advocated against this indirect funding which supports coercive policies in foreign countries. This year again, we want to alert the Members of the European Parliament and ask for your participation.

You can get more information on the issue on our website or in the research paper written by the European based and independent NGO Care for Europe.

Please contact your national Members of the European Parliament by Wednesday, October 20th, 12.30pm to ask them to support the amendment 495 (Section III, titrel 21) which would prevent this abuse:

1. You will find under this link an template letter to send to the deputies from your consitutency, region or country;

2. Follow this link to find out the Members of Parliament from your consituency, region or country;

3. Personnalize the letter and send it to your deputy by Wed. October 20th, 12.20pm.

Thank you, every letter and every vote count! I am happy to answer any question on this issue if you answer to this email. Best regards,

Marie-Caroline Leroux